The Wave PERFORMANCE Box is a state-of-the-art computer concept, derived from the interchangeable Electronics Unit of the type approved Wave II monitors.
It can easily be mounted on the back of a standard Wave II monitor, constituting the Wave PERFORMANCE Monitor (Panel-PC). Being form and fit identical with the Wave II monitors, the PERFORMANCE versions retain all the benefits from the modular design offering the same unprecedented configuration and mounting flexibility.
The future of the Panel PC
In fact the SWAP solution allows you to upgrade from a monitor to a PERFORMANCE Monitor simply by exchanging the Electronics Unit, meaning you can have your PERFORMANCE version for any sized monitor – in both touch and non-touch versions.
Not only does this concept thinking allow you to build your optimal monitor, Panel-PC or Box computer; It also makes service or upgrade a lot easier. You can reduce future service cost by more than 50% by simply exchanging the detachable Electronics Unit!
The Wave PERFORMANCE monitors come with more powerful CPUs, covering your needs from light client to full scale PPC. Extensive versatility allows for tailoring your optimal connections, SSDs, Memory and special features. Designed for 10 years of manufacturing, the Wave PERFORMANCE Box is boasting powerful 8th Generation Intel® Core™ Processors. All Wave PERFORMANCE Boxes will remain fanless with low power consumption.
Please make contact with North Invent or any of our partners for more information.
Specifications & Features
Sizes: 18.5", 19”, 21.5”, 24”, 27” & 32"
Configurable with all Wave II monitors
8th Generation Intel® Core™ Processors
Optimal cost-benefit choice
Fanless design
Panel-PC or Box PC versions
Electronics Unit SWAP Solution
High temperature spec available
Designed for long lifetime
Low power consumption